Cultural Growth Art Career Job Titles
Many art careers work to increase public appreciation of the arts. An art education may prepare you for a job in a public forum where art is on view or is under discussion. Some of the job titles are listed below:
Careers in Education - Art Teacher (K-12)
- College Art Instructor
- Art History Teacher
- Art Consultant
- Artist-in-residence
- Art Program Director
- Art Specialist
- Art Supervisor
- Art Therapist
- Educational Software Designer
- Educational Video producer
- Photography Teacher
- Private Art Instructor
- Workshop Instructor
- Workshop Promoter
Careers in Art Museums - Archaeologist
- Art Historian
- Bookstore Manager
- Computer Operator
- Display Artist
- Docent
- Educational Services Director
- Exhibitions and Publications Coordinator
- Film-Program Coordinator
- Graphic designer
- Illustrator
- Librarian
- Museum Art Teacher
- Museum Educator
- Museum Photographer
- Public Relations Officer
- Registrar
- Researcher
- Slide Librarian
- Writer
Careers in Art Galleries - Gallery Owner/Director
- Art Dealer
- Art Auctioneer
- Art consultant
- Art Appraiser
- Artist's Agent
- Exhibit Coordinator
- Gallery Assistant
- Art Sales Agent
Careers in Art Publications - Art Book Writer
- Art Book Editor
- Art Bulletin Editor
- Art Calendar Editor
- Art Critic
- Art Magazine Editor
- Art Magazine and Newspaper Writer
- Bulletin and Catalog Writer
- Magazine and Newspaper Feature Writer
- Researcher
- Reviewer
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